Tuesday, 15 April 2014

DID you know the Ancient Egyptian Medicine was more Advanced than ours ?!

When EGYPT fell they were studying Regeneration of Limbs it seems.

EGYPT has been my Obsession, and i'll Try my best to make it yours too!

How much do you know about Ancient Medicine?

Okay we do know that the Egyptians had Bad teeth Problems [ from eating hard bread], and also Very Low Life Expectancy [women usually died from childbirth][men from prostate problems].

*Did you know the normal life expectancy in Ancient Egypt was 35-40!? 

If that held true now, most of us would be facing mid life crisis i guess: ? 

Even Cancer Has Been Alive since Egyptians were, more or less , way before them. (it was just not Discovered)

I recently Read a Post where cancer was discovered in the bones of an Ancient Egyptian Mummy :/

If you want to read about it click below: 
Researchers find cancer in ancient Egyptian mummy

Okay Moving on, [ if you have returned back to mah blog that is > :'/ . Errr.. ]

In Ancient Egypt Doctors were known as High Priests.
The High Priest's were to Abandon their Families as study of Medicine was forbidden for most, and they did not want the Native sharing the precious knowledge in and around the family.

Egyptian medical practice  was highly advanced for its time, including  non-invasive surgeries, setting of bones and an extensive set of pharmacopoeia. Egyptian medical thought influenced later traditions, Greeks copied them it seems.

Okay getting back to the main topic.

The Egyptians were WAY more Advanced than we are currently when it came to Medicine. They had extensive knowledge of regeneration of Body parts. It seems. Who knows.

I am not saying, the research is.

They are told to have used Power RODS ( used by High Priests and Pharaohs).
One rod  was always held in the right hand, the other , always held in the left hand.
They were a combination of SOLAR and LUNAR energies it seems.

[It may have looked like this^. This is a Modern day Rod that is sold somewhere online. I really dunno.]

*Did you know Imhotep was an important figure in Ancient Egyptian Medicine?

He also Held Following titles.
Chancellor of the King of Egypt, Doctor, First in line after the King of Upper Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Hereditary nobleman, High Priest of Heliopolis, Builder, Chief Carpenter, Chief Sculptor, and Maker of Vases in Chief

You can read more about Imhotep here: Imhotep


What Modern experiments indicate is that the rods bring into balance the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. Or Ba and Ka ( in their language). 
Hence resulting in formation of lost/ruptured tissue.

The two rods are  grasped with enormous force resembling electrical force (secondary electricity), and, when the hands themselves maintain the grip, they release this energy within the body in order to gather it in the unipolar nodes and cerebrospinal fluid. The regeneration of energy potential is 100% complete and lasts a day and a night, twenty-four hours.

There were two rods and they were of different composition. One was usually intended for the right hand, the other for the left. 
One had the power of the sun, the other that of the moon.

The solar rod of power consisted of specially prepared hardened carbon in which the structure of the molecules was changed in the same way that the structure of iron molecules changes when the iron is magnetized. (When iron becomes a magnet the structure of its molecules changes through the process of re-crystallization or hardening in the course of which the magnetic properties appear.)

(Did u actually get what i just typed? i didn't  :'/  )

The hardening process consisted of heating to a high temperature and then instantly cooling by plunging into water. (The rods of hardened carbon produced for electric arc lamps were eminently suitable as solar rods of power.)

The prepared (hardened) carbon rod was placed in a copper case open or closed at both ends. (The length of the rod was six inches, the diameter one inch, or matched to the grip of the hand.)
Rod of hardened carbon (solar)

The lunar rod of power consists of a piece of hardened magnetite or pressed magnetite. (It may also have been of non-magnetic hardened iron or magnetic steel.)

The lunar rod of power was inserted in a zinc or tin casing, open or closed at both ends. (Length and diameter were the same as for the solar rod.)
Rod of hardened magnet (lunar)

The lunar rod served as a catalyst, making the solar rod more active. Rods of power were known and used even in the remotest times and the secret of how to make them was known to a few initiates.

The mysterious metal (bronze) AURICALCUM had astonishing strength and consisted of five metals, each of which had a particular colour — white, black, red, blue and yellow. It was radio-active and conceals within it the secret of the immaculate conception it seems. 
(The proportion of these metals are said to be Equal).

These were also Referred to as RODS of Power. 
Sorry for the Chemistry.

Want to know more about Ancient Egyptian Medicine?
You can check this out.
Either Look around for this book by John F. Nunn, or look for stuff on www.modernluxor.com

(To whomsoever it may concern . I do NOT own the copyrights of the images/ content displayed above. This information is collected from different sources and put together for EDUCATIONAL purposes only.)

Stay tuned until next time.Thanks for Reading.